Graduate Project

Introducing science into isolated Pakistani culture.

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies: Science Teaching I started an educational organization in Pakistan called Little World Community Organization and modeled it after the principle of mutual benefit. The organization is being enthusiastically joined primarily by women, and thousands of participants are working for constructive change. Typically poverty development work focuses on approaches that appeal to donors. This may, for example, take the form of constructing wells, building westernized schools or eradicating disease. This Masters project takes the opposite approach and facilitates the output, at the grassroots level, of members methodically discovering solutions to help others and solve community problems. It involves listening to concerns and providing the basic assistance and guidance to support them in their work. Outside donations would detract from their sense of vi satisfaction when they achieve success and create a dependence on outside interests. They can expand their program without limitation by becoming teachers and supporting it by selling products they learn to produce.

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