Masters Thesis

The ideology of multiple majors: decisions of a college student in a declining economy

When an economic downturn is spotlighted in the media for numerous years, like the most recent one has been since 2007, it can affect one’s plans for the future. Although there are many factors involved in any social situation, this study reviews one specific social influence, the economy, to provide insight on students' motivation behind declaring multiple majors and employers' opinion of it. Undergraduate college students at CSU, Chico and employers of new college graduates who work closely with CSU Chico’s Career Center were surveyed; findings assess the extent to which selecting multiple majors is a pragmatic response to poor economic conditions. The value of multiple factors for career preparation are compared to the value of multiple majors through both the student survey data and the employer survey data including the value of internship experience, part-time work experience, volunteer and club involvement, and experience studying abroad.

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